Emergent Farmer Credit Facility

This credit facility provides financial assistance to emergent farmers in order to help them grow. The facility is structured to meet the specific needs and requirements of emergent farmers. The objective of this facility is to assist emerging farmers improve their farm productivity and access to finance.

The emergent farmers credit assessment criteria is as follows:

Crop Production (Field/High Value Crop Production)

  •  Proven agriculture related entrepreneurial skills and track record
  • Reasonable farming sizes and assets to support existing production
  • 50 ha of arable land
  • Minimum turnover of ZMW400, 000
  • Minimum 3 year record of farm performance
  • Well described bankable business concept
  • Good credit history
  • Ultimately, assessment will be on individual merit

Livestock Production (poultry, piggery, fish etc.)

  • Proven entrepreneurial skills and track record
  • Reasonable farming sizes and assets (including adequate productive land) to support specific business enterprise
  • Record of farm performance for business promoter (3 years) and/or farm manager Good and well described bankable business concept
  • Minimum turnover of ZMW400, 000
  • Good credit history
  • Ultimately, assessment will be based on individual merit

Product Features:

  • Seasonal overdrafts to finance working capital requirements for up to 12 months
  • Medium term loans to finance capital expenditure
  • Minimum Loan Size of ZMW50, 000
  • Maximum Loan Size of ZMW2, 000,000
  • All borrowings will be subject to a facility arrangement fee • Interest rates are floating and are subject to change
  • Farms will be subject to valuation
  • The loan will be subject to the general terms and conditions of ZANACO